
Welcome to Mac OS X Server

This page is just a placeholder. To publish your site, place your HTML and image files in the following directory:


Be sure to name your main page "index.html" and it will become the default page for visitors.

Additional resources

For the latest information about Apple, Mac OS X Server, and other Apple server products, visit:

Detailed documentation on the Apache web server is available:

If you have a question or encounter a problem with your server software you can:

Group Wikis and Blogs

Getting status...

The Groups wiki, blog, calendar, and mailing list archive make it easy for teams to create and distribute information through their own shared websites. Distribute files, publish podcasts, and share calendars right from your web browser, naturally, using formatting and commands you already know.

Publish your own blog, with drag-and-drop ease, using the built-in professional templates. Keep your colleagues up-to-date with projects, the files you’re working on, and pictures or podcasts. Your searchable blog is the perfect place to store information for your team, or just for your own reference.